Hip Therapy

Do you feel stiffness or pain every time you move your hips? Is it affecting the quality of your life?
Get in touch with expert physical therapists at Horizon Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation to diagnose and treat any hip pain!

hip physical therapy

Hip Issues We Treat

The hip is one of the biggest joints and most free-moving joints in the body.
When your hip is strained or injured, it becomes a challenge to even move your body without pain.
At Horizon Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation, we provide physical therapy solutions for multiple issues causing hip pain, including:


Osteoarthritis is a commonly occurring form of arthritis. It causes the cartilage in joints, such as the hip, to wear away and lead to bones rubbing against bones. The condition worsens with time so the sooner it is treated the better.

Snapping Hip

A snapping hip refers to when you feel a snap in the hip while performing even the most basic of tasks like walking or getting up from a chair. With time, a snapping hip can lead to swelling and bursitis.

Pinched Sciatic Nerve

The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back to the back of the legs. When the nerve is injured or compressed, it causes pain to spread from the back to the hip and knees. Simple movements like walking can make the pain worse.

Trochanteric Bursitis

Trochanteric Bursitis occurs when the outside part of the hip, the greater trochanter, experiences inflammation of the fluid-filled sac around the joint (bursa). Incorrect posture, overuse of joints, or injury are common causes of trochanteric bursitis.

These are some of the most common causes of hip pain.
Feel like you may be experiencing similar symptoms or are unsure about the source of your pain?
Get an expert diagnosis from Horizon Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation!

Treatment Procedure At Horizon Physical Therapy!

For any hip issue, it is critical to identify the cause of the pain. Our team of experts not only locates the source, range of motion, and extent of pain but also evaluates factors such as age, lifestyle, habits, and posture. This way we devise a customized plan for our clients to quickly reduce the pain and return to normal life as smoothly as possible. Hip therapy can help you achieve:

From flexibility and strength exercises to lifestyle change recommendations, our physical therapy makes a significant difference in our clients’ lives.

#1 Choice For Hip Therapy In Flint, Michigan!

Timely hip therapy from professional physios can save you from endless pain and surgeries, elevating your life. Take charge of your health and opt for physical therapy today.