How To Deal With Chronic Joint And Muscle Pain

We all have experienced at one time or another, soreness in our muscles, or pain in a joint as we’ve gotten older. Usually, it means a trip to the medicine cabinet for an over the counter painkiller or an analgesic heat rub used to temporarily relieve muscle and joint pain. While many cases are mild, some people may develop severe aches and pains which can have an impact on their day-to-day activities and quality of life.

For those individuals suffering with chronic muscle and joint pain, physical therapy offers one of the best and long-lasting treatment solutions.

There are certain chronic musculoskeletal conditions that require physical therapy. These conditions are typically characterized by pain in the joints and the muscles and can be present for a number of years. Some of the common ones include:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Peripheral neuropathy and neuropathic pain
  • Fibromyalgia

While physical therapy cannot reverse the disease process that is the source of the pain, it can contribute significantly to improving the quality of life experienced by those individuals living with these types of chronic conditions. Physical therapists can design and implement with their patients, treatment plans that help to increase range of motion, flexibility and strength, while reducing pain in the muscles and joints.

How Physical Therapy Can Help Relieve Pains
Physiotherapy, patient, therapy

How Physical Therapy Can Help Relieve Pains

Relieving pain in the muscles and joints is most commonly achieved through an exercise regiment created by the physical therapist designed to decrease inflammation and improve blood flow to the afflicted areas.

These exercises are customized to each patient and may include stretching, strengthening, toning and stability exercises. In addition to exercise treatment, patients may also undergo additional therapies, such as ultrasound and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.

Physical Therapy is the Answer to Your Joint and Muscular Problems

Physical therapy is an important part of the treatment process of patients with chronic muscular and joint problems. Chronic pain in the muscles and joints affects each person experiencing it differently. In some cases, prolonged pain can lead to decreased activity levels, anxiety, depression, and disability.

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Patient working on balance and coordination exercises with physical therapy support.

Physical therapists work together with those suffering from chronic pain issues to reduce their pain and restore their mobility and activity to the highest possible levels. With treatment, the negative effects of chronic muscle and joint pain can be lessened.

Contact us today if you are suffering from chronic muscle or joint pain, to find out how we can help you to end this cycle and return you to a more active and pain-free lifestyle.