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Benefits of Plyometric Exercises

Benefits of Plyometric Exercises

Also known as jump training, plyometric exercises have gained new popularity in recent years and individuals are seeking the assistance of physical therapists in performing



Embracing a Month of Purification in Work and Life In times past, February was known as a month of purification. Its name comes from the

Physical Therapy for Bicep Tendonitis

Physical Therapy for Bicep Tendonitis

The biceps tendon connects the biceps muscle in the upper arm to the elbow. The tendon acts like a tough connective tissue. The inflammation of

Physical Therapy and Yoga

Physical Therapy and Yoga

Most people don’t think of yoga as something that is connected to physical therapy. However, yoga is an effective way to manage a variety of

Looking Beyond RICE and MEAT

Looking Beyond RICE and MEAT

When rice and meat come to mind, you’re probably thinking about food. However, in the world of physical therapy, RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation)