What Is Physical Therapy? And How Can It Help You?

Has your doctor recommended you visit a physical therapist to recover from pain, inflammation, or injury?

Chances are you may have heard about physical therapy but not knowing what it entails may mean you’re a little hesitant to go through with it.

Don’t worry. We’re here to provide you with a quick overview of what you can expect from physical therapy.

What is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy helps individuals with pain, limited mobility, or injury restore functional movements and improve their overall quality of life.

Just like any other medical treatment, it is offered by trained and licensed healthcare professionals.

The American Physical Therapy Association breaks down physical therapy into three components:

1.    Assessment & Examination

The first stage or component involves the therapist trying to thoroughly understand the patient’s condition.

They will discuss the patient’s pain and health history before conducting a physical evaluation to analyze factors such as mobility, posture, range of motion, balance, and strength.

2.    Diagnosis

The second step in physical therapy is diagnosing the cause of the pain and aligning a way forward to treat it in the most effective way possible.

This includes how the patient will experience pain relief, restore normal function, and return to performing daily tasks as usual.

3.    Treatment Plan

There is a wide array of physical therapies that can be used to treat a patient depending on their condition.

  • Therapeutic Modalities

From heat and ice to ultrasound and laser, therapeutic modalities are techniques that help reduce swelling, enhance flexibility, improve flexibility, and gain strength and mobility.

  • Massage & Stretching

Kneed and massage for joints and soft tissues help relieve pain and improve blood flow while stretching allows you to extend flexibility and range of motion.

  • Exercise

Exercises can range from at-home exercises and working out on treadmills to more rigorous maneuvers to be carried out under the therapist’s supervision.

How Can Physical Therapy Help You?

Whether you have been struggling with pain for a while or a sudden injury has restricted your movement, physical therapy helps you towards smooth recovery.

1.    Reduce and Manage Pain

Physical therapy, specifically massages, is set up to deliver pain relief. For long-term injuries or chronic pain, it can help you manage the pain and adapt your lifestyle to work around it.

2.    Enhance Movement

Be it a sports injury or wear and tear due to age, limited mobility has a significant impact on your quality of life.

Physical therapy restores the maximum function possible to your muscles, allowing you to move around on your terms.

3.    Avoid Surgery

People dealing with excessive pain believe there is no option but surgery, which can be both costly and risky.

Often the injury can be treated with targeted therapy that provides a long-term and side-effect-free return to health.

Bottom Line

Now, you have a reasonable idea of what physical therapy is and how it can help you.

Have any questions and concerns or want to consult with a professional physical therapist?

Reach out to us at Horizon Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation!

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